So when viewed with the correct six reverse types associated with this issue, it becomes more apparent these issues were in fact minted in 240 AD, not 241 AD, a year in advance of Gordian III's marriage to Tranquillina.
Musings on whatever strikes me as interesting regarding ancient coins. A coin from my collection. A coin I wish was in my collection. An ugly coin I find beautiful and then..............
It all looked interesting, but I had no idea of what I was going to with a handful of dirty coins. A little research gave me the idea it couldn't be too hard to do (Rookie mistake #1), so I purchased a cleaning kit, complete with a free coin and set off with my new hobby. I did manage to get that coin cleaned without destroying it only to discover I now owned a very old coin and I had no idea of how to identify it or where to start (Rookie mistake #2). The coin had no lettering on it I could read (not that I would have understood it anyway), a portrait on the front, and a completely obliterated reverse that looked like it had gone through an ancient battle itself and lost. I thought I would never know just what I had uncovered. Luckily, a dealer that I had purchased a few dirt encrusted pieces of metal from took the time to tell me who the figure was, pointed me towards Wildwinds.com and, in the process, I learned how to attribute coins by a number of different means. In the time since then, that lonely coin has been joined by too many big and little brothers and sisters.
Thank you Eddie for your help getting me started in this hobby. I never would have made it this far without you.
For the record, that first coin wasn't exactly an ancient coin. It was a bronze Byzantine Class E Anonymous Follis , minted during the reign of Constantine X (1059-1067), Sears BCV 1855. What I couldn’t recognize on the obverse was a portrait of Jesus Christ.